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Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Best Prenatal Care Doctors in Chennai

Choosing the best prenatal care hospital in Chennai is the first step toward a smooth and healthy pregnancy, and with the best prenatal care doctors in Chennai, you can ensure comprehensive care and support throughout your journey.

What is Prenatal Care?

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care means routine examinations and health checkups a woman undergoes while pregnant. This helps your doctor monitor your and your baby’s progress during prenatal and postnatal care. It includes scheduled health check-ups, physical examinations, and professional recommendations about food intake and physical activity, among other issues. Prenatal care starts as soon as you know you’re pregnant and continues until you give birth.

Receiving care from skilled prenatal care specialists in Chennai will help ensure a healthy pregnancy. This will reduce the risks of complications for both mother and baby.

Prenatal Care

Why is Prenatal Care Important?


Taking antenatal checkups is crucial before the onset of the birth of a child. It helps in making a diagnosis of any disease that may possibly manifest during pregnancy. Here’s why prenatal care is crucial:

  • Monitoring Growth : Easier to track a baby’s development during checkups.
  • Ensuring Healthy Diet : Doctors guide on proper nutrition for mother and baby.
  • Preventing Complications : Early detection of issues helps avoid risks.
  • Preparing for Delivery : Prenatal care prepares you for labor with key info.
  • Providing Support : Appointments offer clarity and support for concerns.

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How Often Will I Have Prenatal Care Visits?


Prenatal visit frequency varies based on pregnancy stage and health complications.

  • First Trimester (Weeks 4-28) : They will normally include one home visit per month; however, this could differ depending on the patient’s needs. During these visits, your doctor will evaluate your physical health as well as the baby’s health status and growth.
  • Second Trimester (Weeks 28-36) : It means you will have visits every 2 weeks. This is a good time to observe the growth rates and attend to any concerns that may be of concern. These visits assist in making confirmations that all is well as pertaining to the expecting mother to avoid any form of danger during delivery.
  • Third Trimester (Weeks 36-40) : Eventually, expectant mothers will require weekly visits, especially if you are close to your delivery date. These visits help keep several checks and balances for the readiness of the delivery to be safe.

This helps detect issues early, with your prenatal care doctors in Chennai personalizing the schedule to your needs.


Choosing Parampara for Best Prenatal Care


Choosing the right prenatal care hospital is crucial. At Parampara Fertility, you’re not just a number; you’re part of a supportive family with a personalized approach.

  • Specialized Care Plans : At Parampara, our doctors tailor your prenatal care plan to your needs, with each visit evaluating the mother’s health and the baby’s well-being.
  • Expertise You Can Trust : Our top prenatal care specialists in Chennai bring years of experience to ensure a healthy outcome for all pregnancies.
  • Comprehensive Care : Pregnancy is a profound and emotional experience, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities : These tests are performed effectively at our prenatal care hospital in Chennai. How? We have the latest equipment that aids in correct diagnosis.

Common Prenatal Tests and Screenings During Pregnancy


During pregnancy, your doctor will prescribe tests to monitor both your and the baby’s health. Here are the most common ones:

  • Blood Tests : These tests are done to find out your blood type, your iron levels, and whether you have an infection or not.
  • Glucose Tolerance Test : It assists in identifying gestational diabetes through which both the mother and the baby may be affected.
  • Amniocentesis (if needed) : This is a more specific test that is conducted to determine if the baby has any of the genetic disorders or not.
  • Ultrasound Scans : This uses sound waves to create an image of the baby in the womb, tracking growth and alerting caregivers to any issues.

Each test is crucial for a complication-free pregnancy, with requirements depending on your doctor’s diagnosis.


What Happens During Prenatal Visits?


A series of tests during prenatal checkups assess your and your baby’s condition. Here’s what typically happens at a prenatal care hospital in Chennai:

  • Baby’s Heartbeat : It will be your doctor’s duty to employ Doppler equipment to listen to the baby’s heartbeat.
  • Physical Exam : The doctor will check vital signs like blood pressure, weight, and overall health.
  • Measuring Baby’s Growth : This involves measuring your abdomen to ensure the baby is growing normally.
  • Discussing Symptoms : Report any signs or concerns, such as nausea, fatigue, or other issues.

Antenatal appointments ensure a healthy pregnancy and address any potential issues.

Frequently Asked Questions


When does prenatal care begin?

When does prenatal care begin?

You are advised to start prenatal care immediately after you discover that you are pregnant. It helps your baby get a healthy start in life and helps to establish your bond with the baby as well.

What are the antenatal care services?

What are the antenatal care services?

Antenatal care includes routine checkups, ultrasounds, and blood tests to monitor health and development. It also provides nutritional guidance, education, and manages any pregnancy-related issues.

Is it dangerous to exercise while pregnant?

Is it dangerous to exercise while pregnant?

As a rule, it is possible to perform some physical activities, but they should be combined with the main types of exercises. However, check with your doctor before undertaking any exercise program, no matter how minor it may seem.

What should one do in preparation for this first prenatal appointment?

What should one do in preparation for this first prenatal appointment?

List down your medications in case your providers may need to know and consider the questions that may help. This could entail performing some of the basic operations; the evaluation phase could entail, for instance, clinical examination apart from some tests.

Prenatal Care