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Male Factor Infertility

Male Factor Infertility

Male Factor Infertility

Best Male Infertility Specialist In Chennai

Struggling with male factor infertility? Finding the best male infertility specialist in Chennai can make all the difference. The best male infertility doctor in Chennai at Parampara provides advanced treatments and care.

What is Male Factor Infertility?

Male Infertility

Male factor infertility is a condition whereby a man cannot impact conception in as much as he desires. It comes about when there is concern relating to sperm production, transport, or quality. Such problems, when persisted, can drastically lower the odds of conception within the couple. Some of the causes of infertility are as follows: men’s infertility accounts for about 30-40 percent of cases of infertility. It is therefore an important area in which to focus on infertility treatment for males.

The first thing that should be done when it comes to the treatment of infertility in men is to understand the underlying factors that cause it in men. The condition has several causes, with a lot of people having health complications, such as the kind of life they live and the environment they live in.


Symptoms of Male Factor Infertility


Men experiencing infertility have some of the symptoms that are hard to notice since they are not very obvious. However, these signs may indicate a problem that may require infertility treatment for males:

  • Erectile Dysfunction : Problems with erection sometimes may indicate fertility problems.
  • Decreased Facial or Body Hair : This could, in fact, mean hormonal imbalances that affect fertility.
  • Low Sperm Count : That is why a low number of sperm in a sample can mean a reduced fertility level.
  • Pain or Swelling in the Testicles : Pain or discomfort in the testicles may indicate some conditions that jeopardize fertility.

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What Causes Male Factor Infertility?


Learning the causes of male factor infertility to identify the renowned male factor infertility treatment options. Here are some common causes:

  • Hormonal Imbalances : Such factors as low testosterone levels can contribute to low sperm concentration.
  • Lifestyle Factors : Smoking, drinking, and being overweight can also lead to poor quality or quantity of sperm.
  • Infections : Certain infections, such as sexually transmitted diseases, can cause problems with sperm production or quality.
  • Varicocele : This is an inflammation of the veins that drains on the testicle and which, if left untreated, results in reduced sperm count.
  • Genetic Factors : There are certain hereditary factors that cause infertility in males. These include cystic fibrosis or chromosomal abnormality.

Risk Factors & Complications of Male Factor Infertility


Some of the mild male factor infertility can increase the chances of male infertility; knowing them will help in prevention and management. These are:

  • Age : Sperm quality and quantity decline as man ages.
  • Exposure to Toxins : Some chemical substances, such as pesticides and heavy metals, affect sperm negatively.
  • Tobacco and Alcohol Use : They can also hinder sperm production as well as the general quality of the sperm.
  • Certain Medications : There are drugs that affect sperm formation, so the use of such medicines may result in childlessness.

Male infertility affects more than just conception; it can lead to emotional strain, relationship issues, and self-doubt. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify and treat mild male factor infertility as early as possible.

Why Choose Our Clinic for Male Factor Infertility?

Why Choose

Choosing a clinic for male factor infertility is challenging and involves trust, care, and the hope of starting a family. Here’s why our clinic stands out:

  • Unmatched Expertise : Our specialists are groundbreaking doctors in male infertility, with around 30 years of experience. Since our clinic’s inception, we’ve proudly had the best male infertility specialist in Chennai, committed to ensuring you receive the best care.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology : We provide you with the best and most up-to-date technologies and services to ensure the best results are achieved. We have one of the best-equipped facilities to offer you the best male factor infertility treatment that you need.
  • Community and Support : Our team ensures your health facility runs effectively by supporting you with patient communities, including support groups, counseling, and follow-up care. We’re with you from diagnosis through treatment and beyond.
Why us

How is Male Factor Infertility Diagnosed?


The procedures that are followed when diagnosing male infertility include the following: Therefore, the proper diagnosis by the best male infertility specialist in Chennai is critical to the treatment process. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Hormone Testing : Hormonal analyses are made by blood tests because they are important for sperm production.
  • Semen Analysis : Sperm functional and reproductive health is evaluated with this test by determining its count, mobility, and shape.
  • Medical History Review : Your doctor will ask about your medical history, including allergies, previous illnesses, operations, and any treatments you have taken.
  • Genetic Testing : On occasions, it is mandatory to use genetic testing in order to determine if there are some inherited conditions that can make a person infertile.
  • Physical Examination : Any disease that is likely to have an impact on the normal functioning of the reproductive organs can be detected during the physical examination.

Common Treatments for Male Factor Infertility


After the identification of the cause of male infertility, various treatment options can be provided by the best male infertility doctor in Chennai. The following are the most common:

  • Surgery : Some surgeries, such as varicocele repair, can increase the sperm count and quality.
  • Medications : Medications also work to correct hormonal problems that may impact sperm production.
  • Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) : IVF and ICI techniques might be of help in conception.
  • Lifestyle Changes : Lifestyle changes, including cessation of smoking and alcohol and improvement in eating habits, are factors that will reduce fertility.

Ways to Prevent Male Factor Infertility


Prevention is always better than cure, and the following are several ways to reduce the risk of male infertility:

  • Avoid Toxins : Reduce contact with some environmental toxins and chemicals, such as pesticides.
  • Regular Medical Checkups : It is recommended that a couple visit a male fertility doctor in Chennai on a regular basis to rule out these problems.
  • Manage Stress : It feels good to relax, and the pressure of the load reduces sperm production; hence, one must try as much as possible to relax.
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle : A healthy diet free from tobacco, smoke, fats, and carbohydrates, moderate alcohol consumption, and exercise can enhance sperm production.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the prospects of male infertility treatment?

What are the prospects of male infertility treatment?

Yes, it is true that male infertility can be cured by using medications, surgery, or assisted reproductive technologies, depending on the cause of the problem.

How long does it take to diagnose male infertility?

How long does it take to diagnose male infertility?

The diagnosis is flexible, but it can take anywhere from a few weeks to the time it will take to administer the test and make certain consultations.

Is men’s fertility affected by age?

Is men’s fertility affected by age?

Indeed, age affects sperm count and motility, which in turn affect fertility.

Who is the leading doctor for male infertility in Chennai?

Who is the leading doctor for male infertility in Chennai?

Please visit Parampara Fertility for checkups by the best male infertility doctor in Chennai, who will ensure you are diagnosed and treated appropriately.

Male Factor Infertility